Published: 2019-03-29

Philosophy as a spiritual exercise. The coaching paradigm of philosophy

Piotr Leśniak
Studia Philosophiae Christianae
Section: Papers


The claim that philosophy should be cultivated in a coaching style is the main thesis of this article. In the first part of the essay, I explain the distinction between a coaching (Socratic) paradigm and a scholastic (Aristotelian) paradigm of philosophy . In the second part , I present Frankl’s logotherapy as an example of Socratic or coaching philosophy. The coaching model of philosophy, neglected by mainstream philosophy, found its place in humanistic psychotherapy. Finally, the last section of the article contains some practical examples of coaching methods applied to the teaching of philosophy (epistemology).


coaching model of philosophy, scholastic model of philosophy, logotherapy, conscience, spiritual exercise, coaching exercise, heart, meditation

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Leśniak, P. (2019). Philosophy as a spiritual exercise. The coaching paradigm of philosophy. Studia Philosophiae Christianae, 54(3), 5–36.

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