Opublikowane: 2017-03-11

The reform of the quality of life indicators in the EU from the perspective of sustainable development philosophy

Andrzej Papuziński


The focus of this article is on the conformity of quality of life indicators reformed by the institutions of the European Union with the concept of sustainable development. The reform was launched in 2009 under the title GDP and beyond – Measuring progress in a changing world. The issue is presented from the perspective of conclusions drawn on the basis of philosophical analysis of the problems we need to solve in order to design the indicators adopted to sustainable development concept, such as defining quality of life, needs, objective and subjective quality of life measurements, existence of universal quality of life indicators (on the example of gross domestic product). In order to describe the tools used to perform the analysis, the issue of theoretical status of sustainable development philosophy is approached.

Słowa kluczowe:

rozwój zrównoważony, jakość życia, potrzeby, równość

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Zasady cytowania

Papuziński, A. (2017). The reform of the quality of life indicators in the EU from the perspective of sustainable development philosophy. Studia Philosophiae Christianae, 51(1), 75–98. Pobrano z https://www.czasopisma.uksw.edu.pl/index.php/spch/article/view/1268

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