Open access policy

The publishing policy of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw (UKSW) with regard to the journals published at it is based on the Libre Open Access standard. This means that all articles published in journals published at UKSW are open access, i.e. they are immediately and freely available for reading, downloading and sharing. Articles published according to Libre Open Access standards can be posted on any website, can be used for lectures, and can be placed in so-called reading rooms without the need to obtain permission from the author or publisher. However, proper reference to the author and license must always be included.


The copyright policy for materials published in journals at UKSW is as follows: copyright for published materials is retained by the authors.


Articles published in journals published at UKSW are covered under the terms of the Creative Commons CC BY-ND 4.0 International license, which permits:

  • Share - Copy and distribute works in any medium and format; for any purpose, including commercial.

Under the following conditions:

  • Attribution -The work must be properly marked, link to the license and indicate if changes have been made to it. This can be done in any reasonable manner, as long as it does not imply endorsement by the licensor of the person making the change or the manner in which the work is used.
  • No derivative works - When remixing, transforming or creating from a work, you may not distribute the modified content.

Editorial Fee Policy: Authors do not incur any costs associated with the publication of their articles, i.e., article processing charges (APCs), editorial fees, color fees, submission fees, page charges, membership fees, print subscription costs, other additional fees. Authors also receive no financial gratification for published materials.

Long-term archiving service: Issues published in STV are permanently stored at the National Library.

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