Pubblicato il: 2017-04-04

Odpowiedzialność za szkodę wyrządzoną osobie trzeciej przy wykonywaniu obowiązków pracowniczych – uwagi na tle art. 120 k.p.

Renata Badowiec


The scope of application of Art. 120 § 1 of the Labour Code refers to employee’s liability for damage caused in the performance of the employee’s duties. Despite numerous decisions of the Supreme Court, this rule raises many controversies. There are different opinions regarding the admissibility of the application the employee’s subsidiary liability for damage caused by him.
The aim of the study is to identify conditions for the application of Art. 120 of the Labour Code, as well as cases where there is a decrease in employee compensation in the event of deliberate damage to the property of the employer. The article presents the responsibility of the employer and the possible admission of subsidiary liability of the employee. Current regulations of the Labour Code are compared with the draft of the Individual Labour Code which was prepared by the Codification Commission of the labour law.

Regole di citazione

Badowiec, R. (2017). Odpowiedzialność za szkodę wyrządzoną osobie trzeciej przy wykonywaniu obowiązków pracowniczych – uwagi na tle art. 120 k.p. "Młody Jurysta" Czasopismo Studentów I Doktorantów Wydziału Prawa I Administracji UKSW, (4), 4–15. Recuperato da

