Published: 2023-12-29

The petitioner’s right of appeal against an affirmative sentence in the Rotal decree coram Erlebach of 8 February 2018

Urszula Nowicka
Ius Matrimoniale
Section: Orzecznictwo sądowe


An appeal is an institution that is well known and is often used in church trials by a party who considers himself/herself aggrieved by the sentence received. For this reason, the party or parties most often oppose a negative sentence. But in the Rotal decree coram Erlebach of 8 February 2018 another issue is raised: petitioner’s right of appeal against an affirmative sentence, but issued on a ground of nullity introduced by the respondent.


nullity of marriage, appeal, right of appeal, litigation parties

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Nowicka, U. (2023). The petitioner’s right of appeal against an affirmative sentence in the Rotal decree coram Erlebach of 8 February 2018. Ius Matrimoniale, 34(2), 181–194.

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