Published: 2021-12-31

Polish Association of the Deaf during the martial law period

Iwona Czarnecka
Pedagogical Forum
Section: Articles and essays


Polish Assocation of the Deaf orginates from associations working on Polish lands, and after 1918 in Poland, in order to support deaf people. Seven years after restoring independence Polish Assocation of the Deaf (Polski Związek Towarzystw Głuchoniemych, PZTG) was set up, to integrate all associations working on Polish territory. The association represented all organizations working to support people with hearing disabilities. The association board took actions, that intended, among other things, to improve living conditions of deaf people. In 1946, in Łódź, National Meeting of Delgates of Association of the Deaf (Ogólnopolski Zjazd Delegatów Stowarzyszeń Głuchoniemych) was organized. There decision was made to create Association of the Deaf and Their Friends.  The name of the association has been in use since 1955. In this article Materiały Sprawozdawcze Polskiego Związku Głuchych prepared on VIII Meeting of Delegates and articles about its activity during the martial law period which appeared in “Świat Głuchych” were analysed. The final conclusions presented the most important achievements of the Association in this difficult period for the whole country and also indicated areas where it still should introduce some changes to increase the effectiveness of his actions.


Polish Assocation of the Deaf, deaf, care, courses, training

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Czarnecka, I. (2021). Polish Association of the Deaf during the martial law period. Pedagogical Forum, 11(2), 239–255.

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