Published: 2020-05-28

Resilience, well-being and stress among students of education in Poland

Ewa Kulawska
Pedagogical Forum
Section: Topic


The aim of this study is to determine the relationships between resilience, well-being and stress among current university students studying pre-school and early-school education. Empirical studies were carried out using the diagnostic survey method among 839 students from nine universities in Poland. Three research tools were used: Resilience Scale -14 Wagnild, WEMWBS (Tennant, Stewart-Brown) and PSS-10 (Cohen, Kamarck, Mermelstein). Statistical analysis of survey data showed that the majority of surveyed students (51.8%) present an average level of resilience, and whereas a third of students are characterized by a high level of resilience. Based on the hierarchical regression analysis, it was established that resilience is an important predictor of student well-being (corrected = 0.482) and stress (corrected = 0.223). Therefore, resilience is positively related to the well-being of students and negatively to the stress in everyday life. Resilience can be regarded as an important personal resource of future early education teachers.


resilience; psychological well-being; stress; pre-school and early-school education student

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Kulawska, E. (2020). Resilience, well-being and stress among students of education in Poland. Pedagogical Forum, 10(1).

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