Published: 2016-10-01

Language of the art – comparative analysis of artistic works of the disabled and fully fit artists

Anna Steliga
Pedagogical Forum
Section: Topic


Art is a source of information by way of a physical medium. An analysis of a work of art draws attention to two layers: the form and the content. By the form we mean visual elements used in the course of the artistic process, whereas by the content we mean emotional or intellectual message. Artistic work is used to satisfy numerous personal and social needs. An important motive for getting involved in artistic work may be one’s urge to manifest one’s personality, or the need for objective recording. This paper shows a comparative analysis of artistic works of the disabled and fully fit artists.


language of the art, artistic works, the disabled and fully fit artists

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Steliga, A. (2016). Language of the art – comparative analysis of artistic works of the disabled and fully fit artists. Pedagogical Forum, 6(1), 195–211.

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