Published: 2022-12-30

Pieniądz i chciwość

Refleksja w oparciu o Rerum novarum i Centesimus annus

Damian Zakrzewski


Leo XIII and John Paul II in their works criticized socialism and liberalism. They indicated, inter alia, the need to care for the dignity and justice of man, his work and goods. These problems are still valid, although hey main lyre late to the issues of liberalism and consumerism. They engage Catholic content writers whot a keup the topic of greed and the dangers of money. The analysis of messages in social media shows that the recipients are willing to take up this topic and point to its importance and significance. Thus, the call sareful filled and attention is drawn to the warnings contained in Rerum novarum and Centesimus annus, which, despite the passage of years and changes in the terms of economic and social ideology, are still valid.


liberalism, socialism, marxism, money, greed, Church, economy, Rerum novarum, Centesimus annus

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Zakrzewski, D. (2022). Pieniądz i chciwość: Refleksja w oparciu o Rerum novarum i Centesimus annus. BIBLIOTEKA TEOLOGII STOSOWANEJ Prawda, wolność, Religia, 1, 153–166. Retrieved from

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