Published: 2015-09-20

Family ministry workers and their tasks

Grzegorz PYŹLAK
Studia nad Rodziną
Section: Artykuły


Pastoral ministry of the Church has been directed to the family since the very beginning. Because of the urgent need for helping married couples and families, the Second Vatican Council introduced a revolutionary change in the pastoral ministry directed at spouses and families. Christians are called to emphasize the value of marriage and family, both with the testimony of their own lives and in cooperation with people of good will. These are the tasks for the clergy and laymen alike, as they are responsible for assuring that the family is aware of its identity. Among the family ministry workers there are bishops, priests, deacons, monks, nuns and consecrated persons. Among the laymen the roles of the workers of the Church’s ministry for the family are assigned to Catholics who specialize in me- dicine, law, psychology, to social workers and counsellors. The ministry of laymen for fiancés, married couples and families is marked with the apostolic charism. Apart from the participation in introducing the Gospel into the everyday reality of marital and family life, laymen can also assist priests in the pastoral care of the family by spreading the teaching of the Church. This service is supported by the sacramental priesthood, which is connected with proclaiming God’s word and with the ministry of Sacraments. Cooperation and complementarity of the clergy and laymen in working with married couples and families constitute a way of counteracting the corruption of married and family life and are crucial in the development of the pastoral care of the family.


clergy and lay workers of pastoral care of the family, the tasks of family ministry workers, marriage, the family, associations of Catholic families

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PYŹLAK, G. (2015). Family ministry workers and their tasks. Studia Nad Rodziną, 19(2(37), 67–87.

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