Opublikowane: 2023-05-29

Metafora drogi jako sposób intymizacji przeżycia duchowego. Na przykładzie wybranych medytacji z XVII i XVIII wieku

Beata Łukarska


This text refers to the metaphor of the road as an image of human life. In the
context of the considerations, the above-mentioned topos gains its extension and
completion in detailed visions of wandering or pilgrimage to the heavenly homeland understood as the eschatological dimension of the final destiny of the soul of
every human being. The first part of the study contains examples of the presence
of the above-mentioned images in selected records of the biblical tradition and the
tradition of Christian writing. In the further parts of the study, the basis of the
analysis are selected manuscripts of monastic meditations, which are part of the
rich collection of manuscripts of the Library of Ossoliński in Wrocław. These texts
were written in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. They represent different
artistic value. Their authors come from various religious traditions, including the
Carmelite tradition and the 17th-century community of the Visitation Sisters.

Słowa kluczowe:

metafora drogi, piśmiennictwo zakonne, medytacje zakonne, eschatologia

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Zasady cytowania

Łukarska, B. (2023). Metafora drogi jako sposób intymizacji przeżycia duchowego. Na przykładzie wybranych medytacji z XVII i XVIII wieku. Colloquia Litteraria, 33(2), 73–95. Pobrano z https://www.czasopisma.uksw.edu.pl/index.php/cl/article/view/12178

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