Published: 2023-03-13

The presence of motifs from True Story (Alethe diegemata) by Lucian of Samosata in fantasy literature on the example of selected fragments

Piotr Góral
Colloquia Litteraria


This article is an analysis the writing of Lucian of Samosata, A True Story (Alethe
diegemata). Its purpose is to indicate the presence of fantastic causes in the work today and to trace the presence of the motifs used by Lucian in later fantastic writings.
The dividing line between fantasy literature and science fiction is also permanently
drawn, which is helpful in examining the work, as well as in an attempt to assign
it to one of the revealed trends in fantasy literature.


A True Story, science ficton, fantasy, Lucian of samosata, Lucian of, Lucian of Samosata

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Góral, P. (2023). The presence of motifs from True Story (Alethe diegemata) by Lucian of Samosata in fantasy literature on the example of selected fragments. Colloquia Litteraria, 32(32), 103–132.

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